research progress | PRIME TECH Ltd. Japan


research progress

Production results of Tg-pig

The gene modified pig for regeneration medicine

Gene Phenotype Distribution Production Collaborating research institutes Reference
common γ KO immuno deficiency advisement NARO and RIKEN Cell Stem Cell 2012. 10, 753-758
RAG2 KO immuno deficiency advisement NARO and RIKEN Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2016 Oct 1; 178:37-49

Disease model

Gene Phenotype Distribution Production Collaborating research institutes Reference
LDLR KO hyperlipidemia advisement NARO J Am Heart Assoc. 2016, 5(4)
F8 KO hemophilia A advisement National Agriculture and Food Research Organization  Jichi medical university PLOS one Nov 28, 2012
Oncogene B KO Replication study and under analysis under consideration NARO  to be prepared
Oncogene C Replication study and under analysis Do not distribute NARO Nagoya university  to be prepared

Organ transplantation (xenotransplantation) model

Gene Phenotype Distribution Production Reference Reference
Endo gal C Endo β galactosidase C Do not distribute NARO Nagoya university Xeno-transplantation.2009 16:511-21.
hDAF Human complement-regulatory protein Do not distribute NARO Nagoya university Xeno-transplantation.2009 16:511-21.
hTM Human anticoagulation Do not distribute NARO Nagoya university Xeno-transplantation.2012 19:82-91.
Heterologous antigen related gene D KO Replication study and under analysis Do not distribute NARO Nagoya university  to be prepared
Carbohydrate antigen related gene E Replication study and under analysis Do not distribute NARO Nagoya university Obihiro university to be prepared
Carbohydrate antigen related gene F Replication study and under analysis Do not distribute NARO Nagoya university Obihiro university to be prepared
Carbohydrate antigen related gene G Replication study and under analysis Do not distribute NARO Nagoya university Obihiro university to be prepared


Gene Phenotype Distribution Production Collaborating research institutes Reference
EGFP GFP advisement NARO  Biol. of Reprod. 2005 72:309-15